Your Wishlist Shop is a shop whereby you can buy REPLICA branded bags,shoes,keychains,belts and lots more! Replica will means our items will look exactly the same as the original ones. Confused about not having enough money to fulfill your friend's wishlist in their blog?You do not have to worry anymore; you can shop for your friends' birthday present or even for your love ones. All our items inside this blog shop are imported from other country there it will take around 3-4 weeks or earlier for your purchase to reach you upon receiving your order.
1. All goods are considered sold and no refunds are allowed when payments have already been made by us.
2. 50% of your purchases will be imposed for any cancellation of orders.
3. Items will be delivered to you at any MRT control stations that is convenient for both buyer and seller.
4. Our goods are REPLICA from the original brand, we are not responsible for any misunderstandings if you are selling to a third party.
5. All the prices for the items are not shown here as it varies depending on the total number of items you order.So feel free to email us to enquire us on the price.
6. Buyers are to make 50% payments when ordering from us to ensure that you really have the intention to buy from us. Not do worry that we will run away with your money as we wish to get more orders from you in future too!
7. We will be responsible for any wrong purchase of items by you. So double check the item again before making any order.
8. When placing orders, please clearly state the item number to us by sending us an email @ in the format shown below and we will get back to you within 24 hours:
Name: Contact number: MRT control station nearest to you: Your order: Any remarks:
As there are too many designs available and we cannot possibly upload all the pictures for each design from all directions. Keen buyers you can send me an email regarding the item that you are interest to buy and I will send you the pictures taken from all direction. =)
Can't Find the design that you want?Just send us the design that you want and we will try to get it for you. :)
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